How to put current job on your resume: see example

Those looking for a new opportunity in the job market commonly do so while working in their current job. It’s normal, when making a plan to look for a new position, to follow where you are, and you need to know how to put a current job on your resume , to indicate your professional status to recruiters.

Being employed is not an impediment for HR professionals who are selecting profiles for the selection process, on the contrary, your current occupation can help to highlight you according to your job duties.

However, it indicates to professionals that hiring may take a little longer, as it adds a stage of leaving the current job.

How to put current job on your resume?

Don’t be shy about informing that you are working, because lying about this fact is worse and, if discovered, could end the chances of a new job. It is not necessary, however, to indicate in your resume or on LinkedIn why you are looking for another opportunity.

In the document, you just need to identify that you are still working, and it is very easy to do that. “Professional experiences” is one of the document’s most significant sections. At this stage, the candidate details the companies he has worked for and the activities carried out in each one.

In the current placement, it is possible to indicate the main duties and check which are most aligned with the position for which you are applying. The structure of this section is usually the same:

  • Company Name
  • Office
  • Period of activity
  • Summary of activities

When you are still at the company, the layout is the same, what changes is just the information on the date. Instead of defining a conclusion, the candidate can change it to “present” or “currently”. See two examples:


Example 1

Company Name

Purchase analyst

March 2018 – present

Documentation and coordination of raw materials, contact with suppliers, quality testing, purchasing planning.

Example 2

Company Name

Data Analyst

May 2016 – currently

Development of strategic reports, opportunity analysis, database maintenance with SQL.

How to answer the question “why do you want to leave your job?”

As we said, it is not necessary to indicate in the CV the motivation to seek another opportunity, but in the interview the scenario is different. It is very likely that the recruiter, at a certain point, will ask why you want to leave your job, so you need to prepare yourself to answer that question.

There are many reasons for this, but one recommendation is not to speak badly about managers or the company you are in. No matter how insecure your current job is, openly criticizing it can create a negative image in the interviewer’s eyes.

Therefore, when answering this question, as well as any other, use the answer to indicate your professional objectives and qualifications. Focus on what you want, such as a leadership position, the opportunity to work with recognized clients, or other characteristics that the current vacancy can provide.

Also avoid clichés. If you want to say that you are looking for “new challenges”, be specific, indicating a new path you want to pursue, a specialization that the organization allows you to do or the possibility of developing a certain technical skill.

When to start a new job?

As we said, one of the main differences between those who are employed when participating in the selection process is the start date, which may depend on some factors, such as prior notice at the current company.

Often, the professional can leave immediately and, if this happens, the professional can highlight this information on the CV. In the initial part, where you include your objective, you can insert “Available to start immediately” at the end of the sentence.

However, in most cases, the employee must serve notice, which can be up to 30 days.

What is advance notice?

When informing his/her departure from the company, the professional who works under the rules of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) must follow the established guidelines, which stipulate that the worker must work for the company for a predetermined amount of time.

The notice is a notification, which indicates to the company that, after a certain date, it will not be able to count on this professional as part of its employees, and must begin a selection process.

It can also help the coordinator and the team adjust to absorb the activities of the departing colleague, answer questions and carry out their tasks after the period. Despite being mandatory, prior notice is usually negotiated according to each company’s relationship and rules with employees.

However, when requesting dismissal, the professional needs to be aware that they may have to comply with this period. Furthermore, if he is not fired, he will not receive benefits provided by law, including FGTS redemption and unemployment insurance.

Paying attention to the CLT rules is important in this process, as well as continuing to look for ways to stand out in selection processes. Continuing studying, whether with a postgraduate degree or free courses , offers a competitive advantage that allows you to attract more advantageous opportunities.

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