How to have good relationships with co-workers: 7 tips

To have a professional, productive and pleasant environment, good relationships with colleagues are an essential characteristic. But, after all, how can you have a good relationship with co-workers ? We’ve put together some tips on how to cultivate this good professional relationship. Check out!

How to have a good relationship with co-workers?

1. Have good communication

Any connection, including those in the workplace, is built on communication. Additionally, being cautious not only with what you say but also with how you listen, act, and even respond is important when discussing effective communication.

Whenever you have to say something, be clear and direct, avoiding confusing information that could become a misunderstanding. Practice active listening, in which you pay attention to what coworkers are saying, without interrupting or devaluing opinions, regardless of how different from yours they may be.

Also act in a considerate manner so that the coworker doesn’t feel slighted. Good communication, respectful and formal, also serves to impose limits in some specific situations, such as containing major unpleasantness – such as gossip, disrespect, moments in which you feel your privacy is exposed, among other uncomfortable situations.

2. Be empathetic

Remember that all your coworkers are, above even professionals, human beings. And human beings have difficult days, they go through difficulties and anguish. Be empathetic, courteous and avoid making offensive comments , always trying to understand your colleague’s motivations for acting in such a way.

Finally, try to help him, if there is an opportunity to do so, after all, you are colleagues. Start by offering emotional support, as sometimes just listening can make a huge difference.

3. Respect above all

As said earlier, treat each and every one of your coworkers with decency and respect. Being courteous to others goes a long way, so it’s unlikely that you won’t get along well with your coworkers if you practise it every day. This is because they won’t feel comfortable mistreating someone who is consistently so sympathetic and courteous, even on their bad days.


4. Be trustworthy, but don’t lose professionalism

We know the importance of personal relationships, however, under no circumstances should you leave professionalism aside, as your colleague remains a co-worker. Be reliable by keeping your promises, meeting deadlines and being punctual with tasks. But always stay focused on your work, avoiding gossip and jokes or inappropriate behavior.

Also remember that limits exist to be imposed. Know what is and what is not appropriate to talk about in the work environment. Personal matters may come up, but they should never be the focus of your professional friendship.

5. Collaborate with the team

Be available to collaborate and help your co-workers whenever necessary. Share your knowledge and experience, being open to learning.

Collaborating with the team is essential when it comes to having a good relationship with co-workers, because to have this healthy environment everyone needs to be committed to solving problems and no one feels overwhelmed. If someone feels overwhelmed, they will not consider the next person on the team to be a good colleague.

It is also important to collaborate with everyone in order to give credit for victories, whether individual or in a group. Recognize and value the work of each of them, praising and showing that you are a grateful person.

5. Avoid conflicts

Be diplomatic! If disagreements arise, try to resolve everything in an empathetic, peaceful and constructive way. In this case, it is interesting to learn how to resolve these conflicts, identifying the entire event early, using open communication and constructive solutions.

Avoid gossip, nasty comments and always respect diversity. Be open to dealing with different cultures and perspectives. Disrespect is one of the drivers of conflict, so it is important to keep it at bay. Furthermore, if you feel that the situation may get out of control, seek help from leadership.

6. Be positive!

Maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, thus helping to build a pleasant and motivating work environment. When faced with problems, point out solutions with a positive and encouraging approach, so that the team does not bow down in the face of difficulties. These problems faced together will make the team more resilient.

A tip: use your humor, appropriately and professionally, to alleviate some tensions that may arise during periods of high demand. During these busy weeks, try to create moments of relaxation with the team, such as lunch in a different place or a happy hour.

7. Respect colleagues’ space and time

Last but not least, respect your colleagues’ space and time. Remember that this is a friendship, above all, a professional one. Don’t ask invasive questions or pry into your colleague’s personal or professional life.

Avoid interrupting unnecessarily and don’t demand help from your colleague during your rest period, regardless of the level of friendship you have. Also respect his physical space, avoiding touching his desk and taking care of common spaces, such as the meeting room and kitchen.


The foundation of a healthy working relationship is efficient communication, empathy, respect, dependability, teamwork, avoiding confrontation, positivism, and consideration for others’ personal space and time. You build a foundation of mutual respect by communicating in a clear and polite manner, showing empathy for the difficulties others face, and maintaining decorum in all of your contacts.

Maintaining professionalism, collaborating, and recognizing team efforts foster a supportive environment. Handling conflicts diplomatically and maintaining a positive attitude further enhance workplace harmony. Lastly, respecting colleagues’ boundaries ensures a comfortable and professional atmosphere. Implementing these strategies leads to a productive, pleasant, and cohesive work environment.

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