Everything you need to know to get a scholarship

How can you get a scholarship if there is no magic formula? Behind the achievement, there are numerous factors. Just take a look at some notice regarding better-known scholarships, such as Chevening , from the British government and Endeavor , by the Australia. Listed there are the essential points for getting the scholarship of your dreams , as a guide consisting of the prerequisites.

More than paying attention to the prerequisites, it is necessary to read the notice carefully and objectively — and also know how the guidelines help in preparing the application. See below everything you need to know to get a scholarship.

Merit-based OR need-based

Before choosing a bag as your current favorite, it is necessary to understand some of the most basic criteria. That is, what it is based on to say that person X or Y deserves to have financial support to take a course. There are two most common terms to designate this aspect: “ merit-based ” aid and “ need-based ” aid.

The first of them describes the scholarship based on merit, which has nothing to do with the candidate’s socioeconomic condition. In other words, what counts in the student admission process are academic and professional achievements, extra activities and the student’s profile, separately. The fact that you come from a richer or poorer family, therefore, will not determine financial support in any way .

“Need-based” scholarships have other criteria. In addition to, of course, considering the candidate’s profile and how he has stood out in his field of study, the socioeconomic profile is considered. The idea is to provide the academic experience also to those who have had little access to opportunities and who have fewer resources. It is worth remembering that, in these cases, it is common for universities to ask for information not only about the candidate but also about their family.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the terms of the scholarship, which can be total or partial, and include elements that go beyond the tuition. Just check what the notice in question includes, paying attention to the proposed terms. There are, for example, scholarships that eliminate the annual fee, but do not provide an additional amount for the candidate’s maintenance in the country (the so-called living stipend described in the notices). All of this must be taken into account, to also ensure the student’s financial planning during the period abroad.

What is the ideal bag

Once the basic aspects of the scholarship are understood, it is time to identify which one is ideal for the candidate. Bearing in mind that the candidate already knows when it is time to go on exchange, it is time to list some fundamental aspects of the notice.


To begin, the student must reflect on how the opportunity abroad fits into their career plan, or more immediate goals. Also take into account the destination country and institution, which are decisive for the experience abroad. For those who want, for example, to pursue a master’s and doctorate abroad, the right path is to take into account the line of research and also the advisor. When investigating one of the possible institutions, look not only for information on the website, but also contact professors and alumni to get a better idea.

In the end, take key points into account. Assess whether the scholarship meets your needs during this period abroad and, if not, plan how to cover the expenses . Also reflect on the institution that offers it and the impacts of this experience in the short and long term, in academic and professional terms.

How to identify strengths and weaknesses

Assuming that there are already one or two exchanges on the radar, the next step is to understand how your application will stand out in the process. Reflecting on the selection criteria, outline the possible strengths and weaknesses of the application. For example, if the notice requires fluency in English and recommends a certificate in another language , such as Spanish, what is your situation?

At these times, the factor of self-knowledge and the most honest assessment possible is important. Also identify remediable points in the short term, if you intend to apply for the scholarship. A common example also comes from the required languages: if you don’t have a proficiency certificate , perhaps it’s time to get it, in time to send it for evaluation.

Advance preparation

In a single selection, renowned universities receive thousands of applications from all over the world. Right away, if the candidate does not meet a prerequisite, they are eliminated. With so many options available, well-made applications from candidates who know how to tell their stories stand out.

Therefore, keep in mind the golden rule for a good application: advance notice . It is not uncommon for successful scholarship candidates to have prepared for an entire year . During this period, try to write and rewrite essays, seek feedback on the texts, in addition to ensuring good letters of recommendation.


Not everyone gets a scholarship right away, even in the case of candidates with excellent academic and professional records. Therefore, the way to do this is to stay focused and, if the answer is negative , identify which areas need to be improved before applying again.

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